Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Creating innovative product via building minimal viable product

Innovation is hard because resources are often tied to the activities that generates cashflow or pre-existing business endeavors. As a result, it is of critical importance to create a minimal viable product(MVP) with the focus. Leverage on the demonstration of the MVP, you can harness more resources to mature the product.

How to build a minimal viable product? The primary element of creating a minimal viable product is focus. You should always keep a priority list and always focus on your number one priority.

First, you need to identify the customer scenarios. What are the minimal customer/product interaction are needed.

Second, how can you find the most basic solutions to satisfy the minimal customer/product interaction.

When you completed these two parts, you are already half way through the building of the MVP.

Afterwards, you should cost the efforts to actually implement the MVP and budget resources to realize it.

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